Sunday, October 4, 2009

Review: Donnie Darko

Donnie sleepwalks and his imaginary friend Frank won't tell him why. Only that the world will end in 28 days and that he has a plan. Frank is a giant rabbit, an evil looking rabbit at that, that is from the future. He has Donnie do some very destructive things that tie into this future. The movie is Donnie trying to figure out why he is doing these things and why the world ends. All this leads up to the ending which may leave you wanting to watch it again. The whole movie is a bit surreal and it may actually take a second viewing to catch everything and make sense of it all, assuming that any sense or meaning can actually be taken from it. All in all, its a good film that leaves a lot of questions unanswered but nothing keeping it from becoming a cult classic. Put this on your netflix rental list but if you're the cultish type buy the DVD.

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