Monday, October 12, 2009

Review: What Dreams May Come

This is a love story. A twisted love story of death, loss, sacrifice, and self-discovery. It's a bit of an adventure story as well but first and foremost a "high-brow" love story. It plays with a lot of questions that no one will ever really be able to answer and this can confuse the message of the movie for some people. The acting is good, story decent, and the special effects good. But the thing is, is that all those special effects eventually take over the movie and cloud its story. Every once in awhile the it stops to show you how neat the effects are and ends up losing the message in the process. The effects are not quite dated yet but with a sharp CGI eye you can spot a number of goofs. All in all, I liked it but wouldn't recommend it as a general view to my friends. If you're looking for a serious movie and can get past the special effects then I'd recommend this as a rental.

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